Wednesday, March 2, 2011


So I'm literally in the middle of nowhere.

My flight boards in about 15 minutes, technically I've left Australia, but I'm not yet in another country. Limbo land. Nowheresville.

I'm surrounded by pictures of women popping champagne bottles and spraying seductive perfume, and celebrities wearing expensive watches. Duty Free beckons.

Apparently, I can also get a complete Thai experience meal from Coffee Club for only $14.95! From what I've heard, that seems a little expensive.

The real problem is I never plan ahead. That's always my problem. I'm sitting here, unsure of what to think or how to feel about living in Thailand for the next 3 months and then spending a month touring the Mekong and South-East Asia.

Happy? Worried? Nervous? Excited?

It was the one question everyone has been asking me for the last couple of weeks: "Are you excited yet?"

I think I am - but also a little nervous. A little worried Thailand won't be what I thought it would be, and more than a little nervous that I won't be everything Thailand thought I would be!

But I'll find that out when I get there. I'll just get there one step at a time, one air mile at a time, one taxi ride at a time, one greeting at a time, and before I know it, I'll be back at Brizzy airport walking off the plane wondering what happened to my time overseas.

That's life.


PS. I know I said my next post would be from Thailand - sorry. Disappointment is also part of life. :)

1 comment:

  1. Are you there yet? Have you sampled street side, deep fried, cat? Does it taste like chicken?

    G =]
