Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I love the smell of Bangkok in the morning

There's a funny smell coming from my sink. Not funny in a ha-ha kind of way, but funny in a "holy crap what's that smell!?" kind of way.

It's the smell anyone who's been to Bangkok will tell you about. For those of you who haven't been to Bangkok, here's how you can make your very own Bangkok smell at home!

First, don't put your rubbish bin out for about two weeks.
Next, install your own grey water system in the kitchen, so that your used washing up water and vegie strainings are stored in an outside container.
When two weeks are up, mix the bin contents with the grey water and leave sit in the middle of the yard, preferably in direct sunlight.
For best effect, leave down-wind from an open window.
Wander through your house, and at random times, if you close your eyes, it's just like being in Bangkok. Enjoy!

[walks to sink] Here's one I prepared earlier...

Don't get me wrong, it's not a totally evil, suffocating smell, it's just a "something's off" smell. Every now and then when you're stepping over a drain, or walking past a particular spot on your soi (street), you'll get a little taste of it. Just to remind you where you are, and who's boss.

Well that's the smell that's coming from my sink.

I have opened the cupboard to see what's under the sink. There's a big plastic box with lots of pipes going into it and, presumably, out of it as well. I'm assuming this is some kind of water/garbage filter device. There's no disposal switch or other such electronic gizmo. Not that I can find a switch for, anyway.

Perhaps it's like the Flintstones and there's a sort of lizard living in the box munching on the scraps and bugs that fall down my sink.

Well I think the lizard is unwell. But I'm not game to open the box and find out for fear this would only antagonise the smell. If I don't bother the smell, perhaps it won't bother me.

Or maybe it's time to increase my language skills and find out how to say "can you take a look at my sink please" in Thai.



  1. isn't that box a grease trap?

  2. Really? I've never owned my very own grease trap before. Another one for the diary!

    Thanks Faa.
